
Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Slow Life

I love this picture.  It is an excellent representation of how I've been spending my days lately.  I sit in the living room, more often than not nursing Lucy, while Violet runs circles around us.  There's a quietness and slowness to this time that is remarkable.  It is both peaceful and, at times, excruciatingly boring. The trick is learning not to let the boredom bother me.

Before I had kids, and even after I had Violet, we were usually out and about on the town.  Life was busy, and seemed like it would only get busier.  There was so much to do!  But it didn't feel crazy busy.  I felt rested.  I got full nights of sleep for years at a time!

This season is different, of course.  I don't sleep as long as I used to.  Going to bed and waking up are entirely dependent on my two alarm clocks and their hungry bellies.  My day is structured around their needs, which can mean long periods of doing absolutely nothing.

I've struggled with this, because I don't like to be bored.  I feel I should be doing something--being resourceful.  My house ought to be clean at least, right?  Maybe I should take up some kind of craft or hobby.

Is boredom a good thing or bad?  Probably, like a lot of things, it's neither.  Is it a sign that either I have been too busy and now I can't handle moments of quiet, or that I am not engaged enough and should sit up and pay attention or buy a skein of yarn?  I have no answers to these questions.

Here is Violet after she snatched her Grandma's phone and made a break for it. Why do kids delight in being naughty?  I guess I could supplement that question by asking, why do I delight in being naughty....  It's a twisted heart thing.  Blaine always remarks about kids, "They're so human!"  And it's true.  They're humanity before it has a chance to pretty itself up with makeup, clothes and good intentions.

And here is Lucy taking a micro-nap.  This kid will sleep all night long in her crib with no problems, but as soon as I put her in it during the day she wakes up immediately.  What's up with that?  It's driving me nuts.  I remember obsessing over Violet's sleeping.  It worried me sick and now I'm backlashing against myself and not worrying at all.  If you're tired, my dear Lucy, then sleep.  I wish I knew what I was doing.  But really, after two babies, I'm still just making this up as I go along.  Intentionality is playing a larger role as the days tick past, but it's going to be a long road there.

Because I'm a mess!  Can't deny it. 

Do you think boredom is a gift or a curse?  Tell me what you do when you've got time to spare.  :)

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