
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Look at me, I'm a blog owner!

So I've spent the last few years telling myself that I should start blogging.  You know, because I have so many important things to share with the world.  Well, okay, not really.  But I do have many thoughts in this ol' brain of mine, and I've found in the past that the best way to get them out is writing them down.  And what better place to share the thoughts floating around in my head than through a highly public medium?

In all honesty, writing a blog is something that has eluded me mainly due to the fact that I'm secretly very big on controlling my image and protecting my reputation.  Such things are important, after all.  People who are seen as homicidal maniacs do not get invited to many playdates.  But at the same time, it is true that I often hide my nature and voice because I'm nervous of what others will think of me.  I'm basically just desperate for friends, but oftentimes reluctant to be myself and let my hair hang down.

So here's to finding my voice and not trying to sound like some other person (who I may adore but whose personality I probably shouldn't copy exactly as if I were their clone).  We'll see how it goes.

In honor of starting my blog (this is my fourth attempt by the way.  Fourth times the charm?), I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my family, dear reader.

My husband is Blaine.  He is a 26-year-old dude. He is a Field Biologist who spends his days in dirt fields counting lizards and rats and owls.  Sometimes he even plants grass.  He is the father to my two babies and my favorite person in the world.  He is, in my humble opinion, devilishly handsome.  Some of his credentials include: *Putting our newborn back to sleep at 3am while I sob in the corner because I'm so, so tired. *Rubbing my feet and pulling on my toes (ie: heaven). *Reading 'Fox in Socks' and various other books repeatedly to our 1-year-old. *Putting things aside to listen to me. *Calling me out on my crap when it's necessary.  Which is much of the time.  *Not rolling his eyes too much when I ask him to take a picture of the two of us holding heart shaped biscuits.  I love this man because I've chosen to.  And I will chose to love him for as long as I live.

My firstborn is Violet.  She is a 13 month old toddler.  She enjoys balls of all colors and sizes.  I don't know if it's just me, but I think she is brilliant.  She is also the funniest little person I've ever met.  She is focused.  She is incredibly affectionate.  She is a wonderful, albeit imperfect, listener.  She sleeps all. night. long. (Hallelujah).  She loves, adores, cherishes her baby sister and gives her kisses and pats on the head.  She is absolutely beautiful and I love her.

My secondborn is Lucy.  She is a 3 week old baby.  She enjoys nursing, being held all the time, nursing, sleeping for long stretches of time (Hallelujah) and, oh yeah, nursing.  She has a delightful peach fuzz head.  She spits up, but we don't hold it against her.  She doesn't have much of a personality so far, but she will soon and I can't wait to see it.

And I'm Alise.  I'm a 25-year-old.  I am a wife and a mama and that's pretty much how I spend my days right now.  I wont be a liar and tell you that I love doing these things all the time.  (Full disclosure: newborns make me want to poke my eyes out! Hurrah!)  But I do try to love my husband and my children.  I do try to cherish them. I do try to smother them in kisses.  I do try not to throw them all out the window.  That's why this blog is called "Working on it."  Because that's what I'm doing every day.  Also, I enjoy cooking as an escape.  I am a lover of playdates (except when they're scheduled during nap time.  Come on people, there's 24 hours in a day.  Not every playdate has to be at 9 or 10am.)  I am a lot of other thing too, but V is awake from her nap and I have to get going with my life.  So we'll fill in the details as we go okay?  Okay cool.

And just for kicks, here's a picture of Blaine holding both babies.  Because it melts the heart.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, this is so sweet, and so is your blog! I'm adding it to my Feedly for regular updates. Way to go with blogging! It's been so much fun for me... and a way to keep me organized with updates, recording memories, and organizing pictures. Did I just say organizing twice? Yes, you already know that's not one of my strong points! ;-)
